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What is Equality and Inequality?

The Gender Equality is that thing which is rights of all male and female in the society should be in the same pace in judgement, rights, and other sections. In India, the Gender Equality has grown gradually from the Ancient to the Modern Age.

In the eighteenth century, the upcoming of Britishers, take the equality quickly than the normal time. India was in the darkness in the pastime. As some of the articles show that the 'Practice on Sati', started in the time of "Before Common Era." The thousand years of women's crying show the actuality of inequalities on women, that men did.

The feminine gender was in toturistic situation in India, that's too true. The First Modern Man of India, Raja Rammohan Roy who has worked on the gender equality. In the early nineteenth century, Roy has stopped the 'Practice on sati' which was too tormented culture in the contemporary time of India.

In most of the cases, the female gender doesn't get the actual right and justice. There is the main reason is to get injustice of women is that they were weak physically that male takes the advantags on women. In a Job section like in an army position, if there is a woman and man, they want to be army. Here, the company of army should thought that they are same power, and anyone can get the chance, male or female both.

There is an another problem of transgender. We mainly wanted to give the equal to the women who are getting less value and right to the things in the society, but we didn't yet completely focus on the transgenderistic characters. This type of character always get problems from men and women. So, who will be protest for them? This is a tough question that the society can not reply.

We only know that women are not getting same pace and right as men, but the transgenderistic character is out of that. In this age, male gets most value, then women and last is transgender character. This is the inequality of our Indian society.

We must not judge to anyone by showing their body language, and the other things. Even, we can not judge anyone by any negativity of him/her or anyone. All the gender must have the same pace in all the fields.

If a woman on the road who is going to the market for buy something. Here, she wore something new than the current culture. For her rich, if someone judges her then that's an illegal offence. It's her rights, she is in an independent country like in India. This is her matter which makes her comfort and which not. Here, anyone has no rights to comment on this.

On the other hand, a man who earns 1000 dollars per month; on the other way, a woman earns 5000 dollars in the same age. Here, if anyone says him that the man is useless in earning, and woman is good. This is too bad thinking while giving value to woman one for their high income. They all have the same equality to get same judgement in the society. This is Modern India, all has their own respect.

Our God does think of us in the same way without seeing charms and anything useless. We first should change our thinking on all the men, women and the other characteristics of the world. Nature has created all for some reasons, we are the children of nature. So, we shouldn't hate any creature by nature. Nature, is our mother, and all the creation of her is our siblings. All the children have the same equality.

If any gender or anyone is not important then you also are important. All has their unique qualities, all should get simultaneous judgement. We, human, should first follow nature. Natural rules do all in polite way.

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